domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

New Phase III Epilepsy Study

Chantix works with anaesthetizing craving for cigarettes and blocking the effects of nicotine in opposition the brainpower. The FDA certified Chantix in a trice ago six months, cite its “significant potential” to fall into place public robustness. In clinical testing sponsor by Pfizer, more than 40 percent of Chantix user be smoke-free at 12 weeks, compare with more or slighter quantity 30 percent taking Zyban, an antidepressant sold by funds of an aid to smoking cessation. After a year, the smoke-free Chantix users slip to about 20 percent, not a large amount bigger than Zyban's results but stock-still twofold as apposite as the results of those taking a placebo.

The camaraderie diplomacy to conscript patients with LGS at about 60-65 setting. The double-blind, placebo-controlled study will end up and about to 23 weeks. For more intelligence and study location, satisfy look in "LGS is one of the minus corresponding frugal comprise of epilepsy and we extremely requirement new treatment options," said Eric R. Hargis, President and CEO of the Epilepsy Foundation. "We probability that the Phase III study transference concerted grades and that clobazam bring new hope to the children and babyish adults who suffer from this devastating condition." "For this tolerant population, in company is an burning need for inventive therapy that oblige organize the virus," said organize study investigator Joan A. Conry, M.D., Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics in the Department of Neurology at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. "We know clobazam have an worldwide massively developed safety and efficacy profile and if the results we applicable see by this means far are an signal of its eventual in patients with LGS in the U.S., we may ultimately have a treatment that will pass through an high-status unmet need." Clobazam is one of the switch products in OVATION's CNS progress program. The company is advance its near-term pipeline on other fascia by way of well. In July 2007, the company initiate a clinical enquiry to evaluate a novel intravenous formulation of carbamazepine, a widely in the past owned oral antiepileptic remedy, in fully fledged patients with epilepsy. The launch of another oral anticonvulsant for exceptional and refractory epilepsies is anticipated subsequent year.

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Epilepsy Association Sarajevo Urgent Appeal

This be orderly to support them finer meeting alert themselves surrounded by realization of their push button privileges when it come to: their offspring, coaching, unfetter ruling of occupation, realization of rightly to industry, fastidiousness of the imperfectly, and to enable them to become indistinguishable beneficiary of the syndicate they enjoy your abode in and belong to.

Although the Association is channel and foremost join up next to the Cantonal even, it expanded its deeds to the together domain of the Federation. The common sense is that our Association is the lone alliance of this open-handed on the BiH territory, and at foot be repetitive individuals near epilepsy who wrench more clatter robustness prerequisite than they are at the jiffy in.

Association accumulate 170 members of Sarajevo Canton, 85 from other Cantons, additionally by manner of 10 show a relationship members: doctors (neurologists), undisputed staff and pedagogues.

Our Association would be even more numerous if this disease wasn't a taboo and if there be no notion associated to it. This is why we occupy this opportunity to behest all those enclosed medical condition, their parents, friends and others who have shift in epilepsy to join together us.

Problems we encounter are: Lack of present-day anti-epileptics, which are undesirably not on the fundamental inventory in BiH, and are especially costly, to purchase them and to find them.

They are:Trileptal(oxcarzepin)Topamax (topiramat) Sabril (vigabatrin), etc.

One monthly endow of the above mention anti-epileptics per one member thick to ideal anti-epileptics is from 75 to 150 Euro.

We are, unfortunately not competent to get those medication consistently, lacking help from the wider provincial and righteous humane people.

The mentioned anti-epileptics are not taken in favour of a month or two, but for years, and higher than a few, unfortunately for the nap of one's time.

Apart from the above-mentioned snags, our connection is in desperate require of bureau rigging, such as: computer, printer, fax machines and other equipment ding for to convey out our activities.

We choice to convey this enrol all the people of good will and find out them to illuminate some annihilation and will, and get actively confused in the wider electioneer resistant this illness, which is taking set in Europe and here, in Bosnia.

How can you help us?

There are many ways and we will have a loan from for any one of them: -- Be one of the sponsor of our work and activities.

-- You can donate your products, instead of gold ingots.

-- You can compensate in some money on our farthest point information.

-- You can help us in procurement or purchase of the necessary anti-epileptics.

-- You can tender us your services free of avowal.

Even if you don't offer anything concrete (money, products or services) we will be appreciative if you insert out this communique to your acquaintances, friends, ethnic group.

By offering sanction to those who are ill, you can increase and extend their live Respectfully yours.

P.S. Please contribute us with you answer on this reception pasture.

Presidency of the EPI Executive Board Jasmin Halilovic UDRU_ENJE OBOLJELIH OD EPILEPSIJE KANTONA SARAJEVO Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine T/R-Broj:129-104-10009012-44 Devizni/ Swift-code. BACXB22.

Kod HVB-Central Profit Banked.dd.-Sarajevo-BiH Stupsko Brdo 103 Telefon/Fax: 033-459-018 Mob : 061-218-774 E-mail:

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